Thursday, May 7, 2020

Pastoral Thought--April 6, 2020

As we continue moving toward, hopefully, returning to worship together physically, I came across this exercise in my morning devotional that I wanted to share with you. I have used practices like this for years in my own life and found them helpful, as well as, necessary. This practice can be helpful in times of stress and also times of internal peace. A repetitive practices helps to focus the mind toward what God calls us to do and become.   

I know there is a lot of anxiety mixed with hope about returning to our “normal life.” So try this out for. A few minutes, and see if it helps still your soul and hear God’s voice again. . . 

"Take a simple sentence like “The Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I shall want,” and repeat that quietly during the day until the truth of it enters the center of your being. You will always continue to have feelings of depression, anger, and restlessness, but when God dwells in the center of the storm, the storm is less frightening and you can live with trust that in the midst of all of the darkness you will be led to a place of joy and peace.
Rev. Derek

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