Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Pastoral Thought--May 12

I don’t know about you, but I think that I have had just about enough snow in May. I don’t usually complain too much about the weather because there is nothing that I can do which will affect it. My whining about the cold is just that—whining. As I told my kids when they were little, “no one wants to hear you whine.” So I don’t say much about it but mutter to God while standing in the yard watching our dogs. The snow combined with the quarantine that is about to be lifted have burdened my soul a lot recently (I am sure you feel the same way). But a different possibility is out there if we will take a second and consider it.

Benjamin Zander wrote in his book, The Art of Possibility the following: 

"A young pianist was playing a Chopin prelude in my master class. He understood it intellectually, but he was unable to convey the emotional energy that is the true language of music. Then I noticed something that proved to be key: his body was firmly centered in the upright position. I blurted out: “the trouble is you’re a two-buttock player!” I encouraged him to use his whole body to flow sideways, urging him to catch the wave of the music with the shape of his body, and suddenly the music took flight. A new distinction was born. . .” 
Besides the coronavirus self-quarantine, and the snow in May, there are a lot of instances in our lives when we can lose the passion that sits right before us. In the case of Zander’s story, the passion was Chopin’s music that young pianist didn’t see but was still there. I wonder what passion is sitting right before your eyes today, inviting you to flow with it? What invites you to let go and allow God’s presence to ’sway’ you back and forth on a chilly Tuesday? 

I walked to the office in shorts and a sweatshirt today. The air was a bit crisp but I was defiant. It is supposed to be spring so I wanted to dress like it was. During my second lap around the church I stopped hearing traffic on Plains Church Road and just heard the breeze and the birds. I am sure you agree that those sounds are spiritual in essence. 

Take some time today and flow with God. Take time to allow God to catch you up in the way of his presence and see what new distinction is born. . . 

Rev. Derek

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