Monday, May 11, 2020

Pastoral Thoughts--May 11

Church Family,

Today I have been thinking about the writing of Sadhu Sundar Singh as we prepare to move back into public gatherings this upcoming week. Singh has been called the St. Paul of India and writes reflective, timely words for us to consider and meditate upon and reflect on how God sustained us while we worshipped virtually. Although raised in a home where Sikh religion was taught, Sadhu found God one night after his mother tragically passed away. All night he lay in his bed saying to God, “if you are real, speak to me.” At the end of that night he had an experience that transformed him and gave him a unique perspective about God. It was an experience he compared often to Paul on the Road to Damascus. 

He says to us today:

In comparison with the big world, the human heart is only a small thing. 
Though the world is so large, it is utterly unable to satisfy the tiny heart. 
Our ever growing soul and its capacities can be satisfied only in the infinite God. 
As water is restless until it reaches its level, so the soul has no peace until it rests in God

It has been a few months since we have worshipped together, and that in itself has felt like a peace-less act or place. We may have felt stripped away from what we wanted or how we experienced God. But we are preparing to come together again and as we do so, we have learned that the world cannot sustain us—even if it tires to do so. Only God is capable of this and only God is who we will gather in worship with. 

Rev. Derek

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