Friday, May 8, 2020

Pastoral Thought--April 8

Church family, 

Well, we are getting closer to being together again, aren’t we. According to the governor’s office, on May 15th, Butler County moves into the Yellow Phase. I have great hope that this is just the beginning of us returning to Plains and life transitioning back to normalcy—or whatever the new normal looks like. When I read that we will move on May 15th to Yellow I remember something that was shared with me this past week that I want to share with you:

David Steindl-Rast wrote about gratitude in this way:

"What counts on your path to fulfillment is that we remember the great truth that moments of surprise want to teach us: . . . everything is a gift. The degree to which we are awake to this truth is the measure of our gratefulness. And gratefulness is the measure of our aliveness. . . In moments of surprise when we are truly alive, we experience life as a gift. We also experience life as a surprise."

I am grateful that we are moving toward a new phase or level, and I am grateful that God has been with us when we are not together. I am grateful whether we worshipped together physically or virtually. I hope that, even as the snow flies a bit as I write to you, that you will take a moment a pause over David’s words, and by doing so, remember that God is with us and that we are grateful for every little blessing that happens during this pandemic.

Rev. Derek

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