Monday, June 8, 2020

Pastoral Thought--June 8

As a new week is upon us, I want to offer you the words of Thomas Kelly. As you might remember I have shared his story with you before. His depth, and the pacing at which he writes, draws the reader into a place where they can mediate not only on God’s word, but upon God’s presence, with them. I this exert, Kelly invites the reader to notice, or locate, God in “vivid intimacy.” 

I wonder where you can find that intimacy today? 

Our community is beginning to return to what we might feel is normal. Stores are becoming more crowded. The roads are filling with cars again. Offices are taking appointments. Parking lots are full. I no longer see so many people out my window walking their dogs or walking and talking as families. We are returning to a pre-covid-19 mindset. As we do the temptation is to fall back into old patterns of noticing God with us or considering God’s actions. We can become too busy, too pre-occupied, with our daily grind. But Kelly again, invites us to reflect and hear God knocking at your heart. I hope you will take some time today to be intimate with God again. . .

"The Quaker discovery and message has always been
that God still lives and moves,
works and guides,
in vivid immediacy,
within the hearts of men [and women].
For revelation is not static and complete, like a book,
but dynamic and enlarging,
as springing from a Life and Soul of all things.
This Light and Life is in all men [and women],
ready to sweep us into its floods,
illumine us with its blinding,
or with its gentle guiding radiance,
send us tendered but strong
into the world of need and pain and blindness.
Surrender of self to that indwelling Life
is entrance upon an astounding,
an almost miraculous Life. . . .
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.” [Rev. 3:20]
In the silence of your hearts
hear Him knock."

Rev. Derek

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