Thursday, June 11, 2020

Pastoral Thought

I have had an interesting morning today. . . As I do most mornings as soon as Jennifer leaves for work, I check my shoes to insure that they are knotted tightly, put Luna on her leash while she cries in joy, and go for a run. We have been doing it for a few weeks now. . . Luna and I running down Plains Church, onto Hope Rd, and then out to Forest Edge. She loves it and I am not exaggerating at all. (well let’s be honest, one of us runs, the other one trots because she’s fit and fast). She is so excited each morning as I hook her in and take her out to the yard. She bounds and jumps in joy. She knows what will happen and how much fun she will have even if she will be panting a lot when we get home. 

Today was. . .  let’s just say. . . different. 

Construction in Forest Edge is progressing quickly and Luna likes to go see the workers. She barks at some. Some she lets get close. A few even know her name. Others she just pulls hard against the leash and raises her hairs as if to say, “You stay over there." So yesterday, with more people around I decided that we need a new route to give her, and my shoulder, a break. Too much construction for me to run safely with her. So, Shadow Creek (The development across Plains Church Rd) was our destination today. She trotted as she does while making sure to stop at every. . . single. . . tree to sniff—and there are a lot of trees there. It was getting annoying to tug on her along while listening to some music and beckon her to follow. 

Then back onto Hope Rd and out away from home. But with the different route, Luna’s game as off. I tripped over her twice. I almost kicked her by accident. She lunged at cars in a way she does not usually. I rolled my ankle trying to avoid her as we were almost done. It was enough that I felt my anger bubbling up, I kept thinking I am going to lose my mind if you step in front of me one more time, dog! I wanted to reach out and smack her for not knowing what she’s doing even though I CHANGED THE ROUTE. She is just trying to adapt to a new area. (don’t worry I didn’t and I wouldn’t).

The final time that this happened I cried out in a raspy voice: “Luna what’s your issue today!” . . . .Ears went back. . . Soul crushed. I felt bad as soon as I said it. But I wonder how many people, and how many times, do we act the same way with those God places with us for either guidance or presence? We lash out when a different choice is possible. They are sacred in God’s eyes and our hearts. We would never want to hurt their feelings or bruise their soul if we were honest. And yet, when the moment comes, when we are worn out and the path has changed, we lash out. I wonder if a different choice is possible for you today when this moment arrives?  

I knelt in the street and petted her and let Luna lick my cheek. Then we went home for a cold drink and some breakfast. . . 

Rev. Derek

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