Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Pastoral Thought--December 23

C.S. Lewis once wrote: 

God cannot give us happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. Christ alone can bring lasting peace—peace with God—peace among men and nations—and peace within our hearts."

This morning I found these words to be both applicable and helpful. . . Today I was able to take Luna for a long walk after Jennifer left for work. The roads were finally clear of ice and snow and the sun was just peaking above the horizon. She was sooo excited to go. Carrying her favorite stick (or log if I am being honest), Luna trotted around the parking lot at Plains full of joy and expectation. The crisp breeze was our only companion on this early walk.Traffic on our route was clear. I was able to move back and forth across the road whenever ice threaten our footing. 

It was a good walk. . . a good long walk.

As we made the turn and headed up Plains Church road the final time, I felt a sense of happiness and the peace resting in my heart. The Christmas season is almost over. The preparatory work of the church is complete. We have read the prophesies related to the Messiah and are finishing the gospel accounts of his birth. Our worship for Christmas Eve is planned and ready. And so, peace, God’s shalom, is not only accessible to us, but inviting on December 23rd. 

I hope that today you will find some time to rest in the peace of God that is with you. Lewis is correct, “Christ alone can bring lasting peace.” It does not have to be a temporary occurrence or feeling. This happiness, this peace, can abide with us for a long time if we are willing to embrace it and if we are willing to look for it. 

A half hour after taking Luna home after our walk, I was ready to leave for the morning. She pushed past me to go outside. I assumed there was a reason for this—which there was. She found a new stick that was previously buried in the snow! She shook it around happily and pranced. She presented this new treasure to me by dropping it at my feet. Then Luna took two steps back and sat down expectantly. I smirked and looked at her. . . She grabbed the stick, growled a little, and dropped it again at my feet and sat back down. 

Ok, I relented and threw the stick one time. It was so quiet in my yard. So peaceful. She ran back and dropped it at my feet and looked up. Her joy was palpable. One last throw and then I was done, I told her.

Three throws later, we headed in, and I headed to the office. The peace and happiness was still with me from that walk and from knowing that God was with me in all that I have done this Christmas season. I wonder, how long could that feeling last in us as the church? If Christ is the author and creator of peace and happiness then does the miracle of Christmas have to stop when December 26th arrives? 

Rev. Derek

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