Monday, June 13, 2022

Wonderings--June 13

Wow it is hot in York today. It is going to be hotter and hotter as the week goes one. Someone told me recently that South Carolina is still preheating. . . I wonder if the oven has 'beeped' yet? 

So, I have a simple plan to escape this most recent heat wave. . . I withdraw. Grabbing a book from my shelf, I sat down in my chair next to my desk and I began to read. I didn't get very far before I read a story that I wondered about. I wonder if this story illustrates for us how we engage our local community? I further wonder if a better approach is called for from God?  

Allow me to share it with you now. . . 

A certain woman was out at a social event with others. She meets a woman at the gathering who describes herself as born-again. The main character of our story, an Episcopalian, began to discuss religion with this unnamed woman whom she just met to see if a commonality can be found. The woman confidently proclaimed: "You aren't saved." 

Never one to back down from a challenge the Episcopalian shot back quickly that she attends church every Sunday. Our irritated unknown woman said, "Going to church has nothing to do with it. You aren't saved." The discussion went on for a few more minutes, and the woman was becoming more and more agitated as repeatedly proclaimed: "You aren't saved." 

Finally the Episcopalian said, "But I try to love everyone. Isn't that what Jesus said, to love others as ourselves?" 

Almost shouting the woman explained, "Love has nothing to do with it!"

"What do you mean love has nothing to do with it? How can you say that?" asked the now shocked Episcopalian woman who couldn't believe what she was hearing.  

The woman insisted, "Love has nothing to do with it! It as to do with whether you have been saved or not!"

I don't think the issue was ever resolved. Certainly the author of the book makes no mention of restoration and healing coming into this relationship. But like I said earlier, I wonder about how often we engage in an evangelistic practice in the same vein? 

Do we push our agenda onto another person, someone we have not met yet? Do we make assumptions about their faith (or lack of faith) and then allow those assumptions to dictate how we serve God? Is it truly not enough to love and be present with another person? 

Perhaps today God is providing you with the chance to dwell and listen to someone. I wonder if you might make the same mistake as our unnamed woman? 


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