Thursday, June 23, 2022

Wonderings--June 23

As Bible School prepares to end for the summer, I went for a walk this morning to help stretch my knee and listen to my devotions. And God Showed Up. . . 

My devotional app began with a musical selection from a chamber choir. The title of their piece was Thy Kingdom. I couldn't understand a single word that they sang, and yet I felt the emotion of the words radiating out from them. 

Knowing where the choir was based provided a powerful testimony to my heart; the choir is from Kyiv, Ukraine. 

As I listened to them singing in Ukrainian, and thinking about the war that devastates their country, I felt tears welling up in my eyes. How could they offer praise to God when they look out their window and see broken buildings? How can they use their gifts of music so passionately as they remember the suffering of their citizens and the senseless death that stalks them? 

In the midst of war, something beautiful was sung. The song spoke about God's presence with us and it made the struggles of my morning slowly retreat as God Showed Up. 

When we hurt. When we are tired and beaten down. When we feel the pressures of the faith presses down on us. In my case, when the work of VBS has worn the physical body down to its core. God offers us healing and a reminder that He is with us. We may not feel that we have the strength to continue onward in the mission that we are called to We may feel that one more encounter with the local community and culture so one more than we can take. . . But in showing up we create space for God to show up.  

For the rest of my walk (about 20 minutes), I walked slowly around the cemetery here at Bethesda. 

The sun attempted to burn through the cloudy morning and glow. It was not instantaneous. The light would come then it would go. The breeze came with the light and then the humidity overwhelmed the breeze and I saw no blue skies. 

But I can still hear the words that choir singing praises to God; thanking Him for His presence with them. I wonder how God might break through your day today? 


1 comment:

  1. Beautifully spoken. Brought tears to my eyes also—of them seeing beauty through the ashes. Our God is an Awesome God!


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