Monday, June 6, 2022

Wonderings--June 6

Returning to the office after a week of vacation (stay-cation more accurately describes the week), I have been reflecting on the week that was. We had a wonderful time! It was good to welcome JonMark and Autumn home to South Carolina. It felt like our family was 'whole' again. While I know that our family was not broken in any sense, having a full house, with loud 'children' felt good again. 

JonMark requested that I make him some of his favorite foods while he was with us. So each morning, I would prepare a multi-course breakfast and watch with love as he enjoyed it. His tiny kitchen in his apartment does not allow him to cook big meals like I can here. . . biscuits, home fries, cheese and bacon grits, pancakes and eggs work better in my kitchen. He smiled as he saw each morning what was waiting for him.  

Not surprisingly JonMark purchased Emma a fishing pole and he helped her buy all the necessary tackle to go fishing later in the week. Wes and Susan graciously welcomed us to their pond and we had a great afternoon together. 

For me the highlight of the week was seeing JonMark sitting on Jennifer's right (his natural place) in worship. He shared his hymnal with Autumn, and hugged his momma during the passing of the peace rather than shake her hand. He may have made faces at me in church as I sat on the platform, and it felt good to see it happen. As I like to say: I saw God at work in many places this past week. 

I think that part of our job as Christians is to help people recognize that the most basic, most mundane, the most seemingly boring things of life, are in fact glimpses into heaven--glimpses into God and blessings for us. 

The coffee that I drank in Sunday school, and the conversations I had in class, they are God-moments for me. The way people came up to me before and after church was filled with God's presence and their care and support. 

Even eating cake in the fellowship hall on Pentecost was a chance to see how God is present with other people. The times that I spent in my chair in the living room with JonMark resting on the couch were also times where God could be felt and seen. God was everywhere and I was thankful for each little blessing. 

I wonder if your call, your mission from God, is help people recognize that God is speaking to them and rather than control or program the moment can we just sit back and enjoy them for what they are? 

As the week came to an end, I found JonMark in the backyard one last time. He had cut a large branch from a dead tree, stripped it of bark, and held it above his head. Luna, his German Shepherd, sat at his feet. Sweat glistening on his face, he threw the stick for her a few more times before it was time to leave. He didn't talk to her, and she didn't bark or jump at him. They just enjoyed being together again. . . This was his personal God-moment and I know it meant a lot to him that we let the two of them have it silently and without commentary.  

As I watched I didn't say anything about what I saw. I just took the stick when he came up the steps from him, gave him a hug, told him I loved him, and watched as they headed for Pittsburgh. Maybe all our training as Christians that takes place each day is helping us to relish these moments and see God at work in them? 


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