Monday, June 27, 2022

Wonderings--June 27

Already I have had a busy morning. Today I had my yearly physical and found out that I am doing well and my knee is healing nicely. There is some 'housekeeping' that I need to but I expected to hear that. So the news wasn't shocking or upsetting. I smiled and noted that I would need to get started soon. 

But as I waited for name to be called for a blood draw, I was aware that my inbox was filling with emails that I should not ignore. Like you I subscribe to a number of blogs and email services that send me information to consider. Their information or lessons are beginning to distill around one issue that is forefront in our nation--and I know that you can guess the issue.

I am not going to talk about that here because frankly this is not the place for those considerations. I am more interested in how God Shows Up in our lives--and not how we tear each other apart to prove our point or condemn another person. 

To escape (and that is the right word), I opened a journal that I received through the mail. Flipping through the pages I settled on an article by one of my D.Min teachers, Dr. Scott Hagley. As I read his article, I felt his words speaking to our situation now. He writes: 

"We are pressed into practices which pull at the thin threads connecting us to our neighbors and neighborhoods. Our pubic spaces are increasingly commodified, where access depends on income. In between these spaces, we spend hours alone in automobiles commuting to work or other activities. We get drive-through coffee and eat take-out food. We live in neighborhoods with no sidewalks and prefer the back porch to the front. When we do connect with others, it is on a social media platform from within the comfort [and safety] of our own home. . . 

Learning to love. . . connects us to the social, political, and economic ecologies of the place [and person]. In this way, we must become good neighbors before learning to love our neighbors."

I have not heard much love being offered recently. 

I have read op-eds and scathing cultural conclusions being drawn. Grace is not being offered to anyone. My heart is saddened when I meet people, or talk to to people, whose preferred response to times such as this is to attack, judge, divide, and vilify. Finger pointing is the easy choice but I am not convinced that it is the right choice. 

I wonder if God is offering you today a chance to love and be attentive in a manner similar to what Scott is talking about in his article? I wonder what might happen if you dwelt with an individual?

If we leave the agenda aside and just show up, we might notice that God shows us as well? 


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