Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Wonderings--February 9

I did a thing. . . 

Sometimes the most obvious thing to do, the most needed thing to do, the thing that we are called by God to do, isn't the thing that we choose to do. (Now I know that this sounds like Paul's words in Romans 7, but it is what it is). Let me explain: 

As you know, Covid has brought a great deal of suffering into our community. It has brought uncertainty and frustration in equal parts to us. What seemed solid, foundational, in our lives, became shaky and isolating. Almost overnight we found ourselves living and operating on islands. Separated from the things that we love and the people we needed. Many felt uncared for. Forgotten. Neglected. And this was not our choice. 

We still loved those around us. We cared for them. If asked, we would affirm total solidarity with them. Yet, I wonder if you know of a time recently that you have felt alone and wounded? I wonder if the solid-ness that defined your day normally was replaced by isolation? 

But remember, like I started with, "I did a thing". . . and maybe God is asking you to do the same thing in your own way to your own people? And what was that dramatic, life-altering, amazing thing that I did?. . .  I wrote a letter. That's it. I wrote a letter. 

The words of the letter were not that revelatory. I did not offer any information in the letter that was beyond my sphere of influence. No grand promises were made. No grandstanding or pontificating on the issues of the day. . . There was absolutely nothing false written in that letter. I just said what God says to each of us: 

I am here. 

Perhaps I am not the only person who needs to offer that type of presence?  For whether it is covid, an illness, the presence of grief, the impending end for someone, it does not matter. God is here. God is always here. 

But it is we who forget that word. We forget how closely God draws to us in our times of need. We get so wrapped up in what we are doing and how hard we are working that we can forget the only promise that God makes in the work: "I am with you always, even to the end."

What would happen today, if you took the chance and 'did a thing?' Who might it help? Perhaps they need you right now? 

Rev. Derek

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