Thursday, March 10, 2022

Wonderings--March 10

I wonder if today you have time for awe? 

As I write this I am a bit agitated and anxious about how my day is going to take shape. 

At the top of the hour my full day's activities will begin. I have an introductory meeting at 10am in York with a group of ministers. Then I have my next round of physical therapy 90 minutes later in Rock Hill. I have been invited to second introductory meeting at 12:30. Then I have a scheduled call to make after 2. I am awaiting a pair of calls to be returned at some point today. Neither of these calls are terrible urgent but both will require time and energy to complete. 

And if that isn't enough, today it's raining. So I must walk slower and more carefully under my newly-replaced knee. 

Yet, as I look at my day's schedule, and perhaps you are like me, I can't find where I have left some time for the experience of 'awe.' This bothers me and I also wonder if it bothers you? 

Author Brene Brown writes these words for use about Awe. She says:

"Researchers have found that awe 'leads people to cooperate, share resources, and sacrifice for others" and causes them "to fully appreciate the value of others and see themselves more accurately, evoking humanity." Some researchers even believe that "awe-induced events may be one of the fastest and most powerful methods of personal change and growth."" 

There is a lot in these words to consider. . .But for today, I am stuck again noticing that I have not marked out time to be in awe and I am disappointed in this fact.

There are countless ways to live into and experience awe. From a time in prayer where God speaks to us, to when the Bible comes alive, to when we serve another person or group and find ourselves changed, awe can happen anywhere and any moment. But we have to be willing to make the time and create the space for awe. 

Going back to my full day, I am still agitated because I don't know how I am going to experience awe today and I feel that my soul needs it. Perhaps yours does as well. Try looking in an unexpected place, try being present with God for a small moment or amount of time. 

If we make the space, if we carve it out, I believe that God will show up. 

Rev. Derek

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