Monday, March 28, 2022

Wonderings--March 28

As I picked up my black coffee cup from the counter today, I made a startling discovery. . . There are grounds in the cup! 

For anyone who drinks coffee this problem can surface regardless of how you choose to brew your coffee. No matter how it happens, it is still annoying. Sometimes the filter tips over in the basket and thereby fills the pot with those little black particles of annoyance. 

If you use a single cup brewer you could still have the filter fail and grounds trickle into the cup. Even those who use a French press are not immune to the struggle. Even though th wire screen is designed to stop grounds from escaping it is not a perfect solution. 

I suppose that the only perfect way to insure that grounds never enter the delicious black liquid is to brew your coffee as it first was done in the 15th century. At that time water was heated to a boil in a large pot and then the whole beans were dropped into the water and the brewing occurred. . . (Wow a lot of coffee talk on a Monday morning. I suppose tells you how well is slept last night). 

So back to this morning and my struggle. . . As I take the cup from the brewer I see those little black pests resting on top of a cloud of coffee cream. Now I am presented with a choice: 

Do I pour the coffee out and start again? That would take more time and I have things to do this morning. 

Do I attempt to filter the coffee into a second cup? This one seems problematic. When I do this I am likely to pour coffee all over the counter (perhaps I know this to be true because I have tried it before. . . perhaps not, you decide).

Do it pitch the coffee and stomp off to the church without my morning companion? Absolutely not, right. 

Or, do I just work around the grounds because I have filled my morning to such a degree that I cannot find room or time to re-brew a fresh cup of coffee. Those 2 minutes are inaccessible to me because of the pace of my life. . . 

Perhaps you see my point today. 

I wonder if you are living as I am today? I wonder if the pacing of your day is such that when a little bump occurs in your day you are unable to correct the course because there simply isn't time or you don't have the mental bandwidth to address this? I wonder if you are so stretched and pulled that it seems you are being asked to climb a great mountain? 

Maybe for today you could just pour that symbolic cup out, take a deep breath, and see what lesson God might be attempting to teach you. 

Rev. Derek

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