Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Wonderings--March 2

I hope that as Ash Wednesday has come that you will find some time to worship God, time to reflect on His choice, and find a moment to consider the cause of Jesus' choice to become Incarnate for us. Only a love that we cannot fully comprehend could make this choice. Only a love that is from God would send Jesus to die for us so that we might be reunified to God in heaven. 

Finishing the last gulp of coffee this morning, I began to listen to an interview with two musicians whose work I appreciate: Korey Cooper of Skillet and Lacey Sturm formerly of Flyleaf. These two women were guests on an interview show that talked about their faith and their journey to serve God musically. 

About mid-way into the interview both Korey and Lacey talked about the convergence point between wishing they were at home taking care of their kids and yet feeling grateful for the blessing of God sing and play music professionally. 

They love music and they love the Lord, but in the very next statement both women agreed that their musical careers could go away and that would be okay. If those careers, and the trappings that come with it went away, because of their love for Jesus they would still find fulfillment in Christ. He is the all in all.  

I have been pondering that idea all morning. . . As I walked into the office today I wondered: Are we fulfilled in all that we do because we do it with God? 

When reflecting on this idea James Finley says this: 

"In our zeal to become the landlords of our own being, we cling to each achievement as a kind of verification of our self-proclaimed reality. We become the center and God somehow recedes to an invisible fringe. Others become real to the extent they become significant others to the designs of our own ego. And in this process the ALL of God dies in us and the sterile nothingness of our desires becomes our God. . . ."

As I think about James' words, I believe they reinforce the them that Korey and Lacey spoke about: fulfillment and union with God. This must be the center of our lives and it if we are going to live faithfully in this world.

My devotions today took me to the Book of Ecclesiastes. The book, attributed to King David, begins with the King of Israel condemning everything in this life, all the things that he accumulated, sought, and gained, as meaningless. The first two chapters of the book lay out in great detail how David has introspectively considered all of the trappings of the world and found them to be inadequate. Or as he says at the end of chapter 2: 

"This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind." (NIV)

Where do we find our fulfillment today? In relationships? At work? In recreation? Somewhere else? I hope today, as you make space for Ash Wednesday, you will notice and remember David's words about what is meaningless in this world and hold that idea up to James' words: "All of God dies in us."

We want the Lord; we affirm Him. I wonder if what it looks like to find fulfillment in Him? 

Rev. Derek

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