Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Wonderings--March 1

Several days ago as I continue to recover from my knee replacement I stared some thoughts on Facebook about praying. At that time the Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent; a reality poised to take shape. In the dark of our living room I sat each night trying to find the words that could erase the stain of war that was coming from us. 

Today, like you, I still search for the words. . . I search for understanding. We know that God does not call out war. We know that he takes no pleasure in the suffering of anyone, and yet, because of choice, these things happen. And we try and find God at work in these moments of suffering.  

As I thought about how I would pray I found the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. While living in a Nazi concentration camp, he wrote these words in 1943 that can be helpful for us. 

Morning Prayer

O God, early in the morning I cry to you. 
Help me to pray
And to concentrate my thoughts on you;
I cannot do this alone. 

In me there is darkness, 
But with you there is light; 
I am lonely, but you do not leave me;
I am feeble in heart, but with you there is help;
I am restless, but with you there is peace. 
in me there is bitterness, but with you there is patience; 
I do not understand your ways, 
But you know the way for me.

I like this prayer a great deal because of its honesty. Most of us aren't that honest when we pray. I am feeble. . . I am restless. . . I do not understand your ways

Even someone as notorious for his faith, and trust in God, finds himself wondering and questioning at times. This gives me hope. For as I see war, and the effects of war happening before my eyes, I am reminded that God has a way for me in this world. In God, when any event in my life tries to take my eyes off Jesus and his presence in me, I fall back on these word and I gain stability and I gain hope.  

In him there is patience, love, and understanding because in him there is union. I wonder today if this prayer might be echoed in your life? For I suspect that you have been in those places where prayerful words don't come smooth enough or clearly enough. If so, use this prayer. Make it your own and notice how God comes near. . . 

Rev. Derek

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