Thursday, August 11, 2022

Wonderings--August 11

Do we have to have the answer? I understand that we want to have an answer, we might think that 'answering-finding' is part of our faith practice. But does God require us to have all the answers to the questions that the community is asking? 

I thought about this question as I read the following story from the Desert Fathers:

"Certain of the brethren said to Abba Anthony: We would like you to tell us some words, by which we may be saved. Then the elder said: You have heard the Scriptures, they ought to be enough for you. But they said: We want to hear something also from you Father. 

The elder answered them: You have heard the Lord say: If a man strikes you on the left cheek, show him also the other one. They said to him: This we cannot do. 

He said to them: If you can't turn the other cheek, at least take it patiently on the one of them. They replied: We can't do that either. 

He said: If you cannot even do that, at least do not go striking others more than you would like them to strike you. They said: We cannot do this either. Then the elder said to his disciple: Go cook up some food for these brethren for they are very weak. . . If you cannot even do this, how can I help you?"

If you noticed in the story no concrete answer was offered. Instead Abba Anthony reflected back onto the people a position of presence and relational submission. When they could not practice what Jesus taught them directly, he instructed them to dwell with others and care for them.

Perhaps that is the answer to my first question--the one about needing to have all the answers. I wonder if today what is necessary from God is that you don't offer anything except your presence? I wonder how just showing up today could be the balm another person needs to heal and could help them find the necessary space to grow? 


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