Thursday, August 4, 2022

Wonderings--August 4

Last night as Sweet Caroline's was a wonderful time in so many ways. I could spend all day commenting on how the evening was a joy and blessing. 

On a personal note it was a blessing to see Emma playing with The Sounds of Grace. When I was across the room, as far away from her as possible and greeting a group of members, I could hear Emma singing with the band. Her voice was distinguishable from the others and I felt a tinge of pride as her father. This band has been such a blessing to her and one that I cannot express clearly enough. 

As the evening progressed I continually counted members and friends of the church who came to supper and stayed to hear the band. I stopped counting at 50 and I am sure I missed some. It was wonderful to talk with so many people who love God and each other.  

It was amazing that when my knee and feet were sore from walking around and spending a moment with church members, to have them come to me and love upon me. They encouraged me to sit down and then we talked together.  

Of course the food was great and it was good to sit with Jennifer and Emma for a nice dinner and know that we are among friends and extended family. On and on I could go, but today I wan to offer just one conclusion that I think we should meditate upon. . . 

The Body of Christ longs to be together. 

 That's it. Case closed. 

As I watched families greet on another, as they laughed and 'poked' each other in love, I could see genuine care in their actions. Even though I could not hear what they talked about across the room, the feelings of acceptance, friendship, faith, and community spoke for themselves.  By creating a way to gather in a public space, outside of the sanctuary, the church came and they cared for each other. 

So my question is: If the body of Christ wants to be together, then what little thing can you do today that helps foster community and creates a way for you to be with others? 

All we did in preparation for the evening was call the restaurant and ask if we could play some music on a Wednesday night that worked for them. The band practiced and picked their material. We put a few advertisements on Facebook and through email, but really we just asked people to come be together. . . And they came. The church always comes when they can be together. 

Maybe this is choice can be duplicated over and over again both inside, and outside, the church? 


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