Monday, August 8, 2022

Wonderings--August 8

Being part of the Body of Christ means being part of an ever-growing community who share a common mission from God. Regardless of how the Body constitutes itself, or how its culture takes shape, or even how it feels called to respond to the local culture, the church must participate in the on-going work of Christ with the rest of Creation. 

We are not passive; we are not called to sit on the sidelines and comment on the culture of the day from a judgmental position. We live in it the world and as such we have a mission to fulfill. 

As I thought about that mission today and how it can take shape for us, I read something Barbara Brown Taylor once wrote that I want to share with you. She says: 

"Every created thing was fraught with divine possibilities; wasn't that what he [Christ Jesus] was telling them? Every ho-hum detail of their days was a bread crumb leading them into the presence of God, if they would just pick up the trail and follow."

Like I said, we are all part of the Body of Christ and as such we have the chance to find the bread crumbs from Jesus that lead us into a deeper communion and participation in his work. We have the call to join him in speaking God's word. 

But as I re-read Barbara's words and think about them, I find a challenge also present that we cannot ignore. This is a challenge related to time. Will you take the time, practice diligence, and look for this spiritual bread crumbs? There is a lot of distraction in the world around us; a great deal to call us away from God. I wonder how today you might make room to look for God?

Perhaps take some time right now to look at the 'ho-hum' things of the day. They might just be a gift from God? 


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