Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Wonderings--August 3

Tonight we have a special evening planned. The Sounds of Grace are playing at Sweet Carolines. It will be an evening of food, fellowship, and community building. I am very excited about this and hope to see a great crowd gather in support of The Sounds of Grace.

The entire concept of the evening was a simple idea, and yet in its simplicity a deeper modeled behavior is displayed for our community. As I through about the evening, and how the idea grew, I thought of the words of Ed Stetzer and Daniel Im. 

They wrote: 

"Studies show that the higher the standards of biblical teaching, the longer people remain engaged. Today's seekers are seeking depth. They won't interrupt a fine Sunday morning of sleeping in to attend a church that serves up shallowness, at least not for long."

Like I said, this was a simple idea: let's gather together to eat, and while we eat, we can support a ministry of the church that we believe in. But behind this idea, a deeper biblical truth was living. From my experience a deep biblical truth can live in most of what we do--if we are willing to engage the text consistently. And so this becomes my question for you today? 

If the community at-large responds well to a deeper biblical truth being lived out before them by the church, then what are you doing that helps support God's truth that lives in you? Maybe take some time today and consider this. . . 


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