Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Wonderings--August 16

I just returned to the office from visiting a sick member of the church. This person's health is not well and I am grateful that this church has spent so much time praying for healing and restoration. This is part of my calling that blesses me. To be able to sit with folks and remind them of how closely God comes to us in all seasons of our lives is a cherished part of my call.  

Sitting back down at my desk I opened the book I am reading. Half way down the page,  was the following statement that spoke to my soul. The words are so simple, so easy, and yet so convicting at the same time--for I know that I do not practice what I read often enough. 

Margaret Wheatley offers us the following words: 

"We promise ourselves everything except each other."

What a profound statement. While visiting the sick member of the church all that I could offer was what I had in that moment. . . Certainly I have theologically-trained knowledge to offer anyone who I encounter--and I know there is a time and place for that. I could offer stories of God's restoration found in the scriptures and testified to in the life of the Body of Christ--that to is appropriate at times. Both are necessary and I have done both before. 

But what was needed most today was just neither. 

Instead 'presence' was needed. Presence was all that mattered as I walked into that room. I walked into the room, held the hand of my church member, and spoke with their family, presence was all that I carried in with me. Now I know someone will say 'well you carried God too'--and they would be right at some level. 

The family today didn't need an advocate or a sounding-board to talk about their suffering. They needed presence. I showed up and that mattered so much to them. I wonder what might happen in your life if, and when, you choose to follow Margaret's advice and 'promise' to offer yourself to another person? I wonder how the encounter might be different? 


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