Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Wonderings--August 17

It has taken me a long time to get to this point, but I am happy that I am there. Let me explain. . . 

Over the course of a few months (perhaps years) I have modified my Apple News Feed into a direction that I want--a direction that supports me. Now don't get me wrong, I have not created a silo or an echo chamber that supports and sustains my beliefs only. Instead, through a painstaking process I have accepted, and rejected, certain types of stories from certain writers and companies. 

This has made all the difference. 

Do problems still exist in the world? Yes, or course they do! 

But my choice of how to digest and accept the news has helped me greatly as I seek to be faithful to God. As part of that choice, I regularly read stories and accounts of people helping each other rather than dividing and separating. 

You see I believe, as I read God's word, that the solution to our problems is not a blanket statement or policy. It is not a political agenda or direction or candidate as it is also not a set of harsh judgments or choices that are applied across culture. 

As I read, and I as I think and pray, I join Margaret Wheatley in thinking that we, as the Body of Christ, can be the solution to our problems because we are always better together. 

She writes: 

"People are the solution to the problems that confront us. Technology is not the solution, although it can help. We are the solution--we as generous, open-hearted people who want to use our creativity and caring on behalf of others. . . nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending we are individuals who can go it alone."

I wonder today how you might be asked by God to help heal and restore the world around you? What would it look like to become the solution for another person rather than be part of the social machine that divides? 


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